Sydney Sleep Centre works with a number of dentists to manage sleep disorders. Sydney Sleep Centre recognises that dentists have good experience and knowledge of the upper airway and are in an excellent position to identify sleep disorders, especially obstructive sleep apnea caused by a narrowed posterior oropharynx. Many dentists learn dental sleep medicine in order to incorporate the diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea into their everyday clinical practices.
Australian and international dental guidelines, and best medical practice, emphasise the important of dentists and sleep physicians working together to manage sleep disorders.
Sydney Sleep Centre strives to assist interested and experienced sleep dentists to manage their patients. The Centre’s sleep specialists will assess and diagnose patients with obstructive sleep apnea prior to treatment. The Centre’s philosophy is to refer all patients back to their referring dentists once they are diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea and/or snoring. If an oral appliance is indicated, the referring dentist would fit that device.
Dentists, or patients of dentists who wish to use Sydney Sleep Centre as their partnering Sleep Clinic, should complete the Centres Referral Form and book in to see one of the Centre’s Sleep Specialists. As per Medicare requirements, the Centre’s Sleep trained GP will assess the referral prior to Sleep Physician review.
When the patient sees the sleep physician, a full sleep assessment occurs and a sleep study will be organised. Following the sleep study, the patient returns to the sleep physician to discuss the results and the best management of their condition. Patients are then given a copy of their sleep study report and asked to return to their referring dentist.
Each time the patient sees the sleep physician, a typed letter is sent to the referring dentist with the diagnosis and management plan. If an oral appliance is indicated, this will be clearly detailed in the management letter following the sleep study for the referring dentist to fit.
Dentists are welcome to discuss their cases or any queries at any time with Dr Desai, the Sleep Centre’s Medical Director.